
Thursday, May 9, 2013

May The 4th Be With You: WINNER!

Oh goodness! We were so busy yesterday, I forgot to post who the winner of our fabulous contest was!!
Out of all the votes (both on this blog and among Renn's friends and family), it sounds as though most people want to see:

Chewbacca's evil twin brother, Toby!!!!

Wouldn't that be crazy? What if all that time in Return of the Jedi, Chewie was TOBY?! Eeek!

Anyway, our winner was chosen through, and Renn is happy to give his prize to...

Julie Rowan-Zoch!!!!!!
Yipee!! Now, Julie, you must email me your mailing address at: bethany(dot)telles(at)ymail(dot)com!! Congratulations!!!
Thank you to all who voted and spread the love!!
Just a quick side note:
Renn will be at UCSF on Monday, May 13 for his first (of two) Neuropsychological Evaluation. This is a pre-surgical appointment and it id going to take all day (9am-4pm). However, he won't be admitted, and we will be able to return home that night. Please keep him in your prayers and hearts.
May the Force Be With You!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May The 4th Be With You!!

Today is officially STAR WARS DAY!!!

So you just know we are celebrating in this house!! Renn and I have been discussing all about what he wants to see in the new movie that will be coming out in 2015. He was wondering how on earth there could be a Star Wars movie without Darth Vader (hmmm... smart kid. Not even I had thought of that!)... So we got to thinking of what new villains could cause some major trouble in the new additions to this amazing series.

We came up with the following:

1. A secret young Sith Lord named Darth Bocks. He can do many flips and is really strong in the Dark ways of the Force. And he's Yellow.

2. Chewbacca's evil twin brother, Toby, who has been secretly posing as our beloved Chewie for years... learning all of the good secrets.

3. Luke Skywalker's son, Dylan Skywalker, who decides that he wants to take over his Grandfather's place, and pick up where Darth Vader left off.

Now Renn is asking for your favorite!! Which villain do you think should be featured in 2015? And please remember that Luke, Leia, and Han are all... well... a tad on the "Senior" side of things!! Those who vote and then share this post will get a cute little something from Renn, our little Jedi, himself! You have until Tuesday at 11:59pm (PDT)!

Have FUN, and choose wisely! You never know who you could face when the Dark Side is afoot!

Until Wednesday, friends...