
Monday, May 4, 2015

May The Fourth Be With You!

It just wouldn't be a blog for our Jedi without mentioning this awesomesauce day!

We started our day off with lots of jumping on the mommy bed, screaming, "MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOUUUU!!!!"

Then we followed that up with- getting dressed in ALL of our Star Wars apparel, a short school day, and we're now focused on our Star Wars marathoning. It's serious business in this house!

Jedi Renn is still seizure free! We are nearing 14 months, and we are thanking God every step of the way. On Wednesday, we will be travelling back to UCSF for a follow up and to discuss the probabilities of weaning him off his medication! This momma is freaked out by that a bit, but, we know that keeping him on a medication he doesn't need isn't exactly great for him. So please pray with us as we venture on this new journey. We'll keep you posted!

Happy Star Wars day!!

 Please tell us in the comments: what are YOU doing to celebrate? We hope you're grabbing hold of your inner Jedi, and having a blast with all the possibilities!

As always, May the Fourth Be With You!!