
Saturday, March 23, 2013

One Year Ago... In a Galaxy Far Far Away

It was hard to wake up this morning... I'm not going to lie. Yes, there are MANY exciting things happening today (a promotion for me, preparations for our Purple Day celebration, anniversary of my book release, and playing baseball with the boys). But the thing that is looming, just ever hanging over my head like a mean, dark cloud, is the fact that one year ago today... Renn's diagnosis came.

Normally, a family would celebrate one year anniversaries together. But I think, if we can be completely honest, we don't even want to think about it.

One year ago today, Renn's life changed forever... and so did our family's. We all learned how to hold onto each other and how to truly rely on God for answers (even if they were the ones we didn't want to hear). We are still together, forever in these trenches, not giving up the battle. Our faith has been tested, our blood pressures have gone through the roof, bits and pieces of our extended family have come back into our lives while many have abandoned us, we've been shown grace, kindness, and love by complete strangers, we've cried, we've cheered... We've been through it all. However, we've also seen Renn grow in wisdom (maybe a bit too much!), and been able to experience a stronger bond with him. I wouldn't trade that for much of anything.

To say it hasn't been a roller coaster would be like saying Renn doesn't like Star Wars. But, we push forward!

And maybe, just maybe, one year FROM today... Renn will be seizure free.


  1. Hugs to you all of you, Bethany.

  2. This is my wish and my prayer for your family!

    Donna L Martin

  3. I like that you're looking ahead to Renn's cure. Like they say in the country song, "If you're going through hell, keep on moving.... And you might get out before the devil even knows you're there!" Prayers and happy thoughts.

  4. Sending more prayers Bethany. xoxo

  5. Good luck Renn and family!

  6. Here's to finding a cure, and to an epilepsy-free Renn by this time next year! All god wishes and prayers!

  7. My heart is with you all... cindy Christian
