
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Purple Day

We have been looking for a way to spread the word about Epilepsy to our community. Breast Cancer has one of the biggest campaigns out there, and it's freaking awesome! You literally CANNOT walk by a pink ribbon and not think about boobies. Sorry, you just can't! And trust me... that's a good thing!

As we have gone on this journey with Renn- our precious, brave, (almost) birthday boy- we haven't had much time to join other families in awareness walks, fundraisers, or other such things, in order to help promote Epilepsy awareness. In fact, it hadn't even crossed our minds until a few months ago! So, perusing the Internet while Renn was laying quietly in his hospital bed in January, the search began and ended all with one click. Why? Because I found an easy starting place, and by this time next year, I decided our family is going to participate BIG TIME in this event.

That's right... Purple Day.

Purple Day was started by a beautiful little girl named Cassidy (ironically, that was one of two name choices we had picked out if Renn would have been a girl!), who decided she wanted to spread awareness about Epilepsy. She started this in 2008, and apparently, it has become an international extravaganza! She is currently campaigning to get onto the Ellen DeGeneres show, and I think she's awesome. Oh yeah, I should probably mention that Cassidy started all of this... at age 8.

What do we do for Purple Day? Precisely this:
Every year on March 26,

That's it! Yes, go the extra mile and explain why! Have a reason, give a voice to this wicked disease!

And please, go to the Purple Day website, and see what kinds of things you can do in your community.

My goal is that every time someone walks by a purple ribbon, they think about those amazing, brilliant, talented minds who are all battling Epilepsy. And perhaps one day, our children's children can walk by a purple ribbon and think nothing more than what a beautiful color that ribbon is.


  1. Whoa! Just come home and been sitting reading trying to catch up with this brave little Jedi. Making a note for my staff to wear purple scarfs on March 26th. May the force be with you!

  2. Perfect. Purple is just the right mysterious color for this mysterious condition.

  3. Kids are amazing, aren't they? Leave it to an 8 year old to come up with a way to battle epilepsy! Go purple!

  4. I will tell my Mom and little sister to wear purple (nothing I have is purple)! YAY Renn!

  5. Thanks, buddy! You can wear white with a tiny purple ribbon pinned on! OR you can find something with Master Windu (and his purple lightsaber) on it! Haha

  6. Oh, purple is one of my most favorite colors!! I will be proud to wear purple on this very special day!! You bet!
