
Monday, August 19, 2013

First Grade... A New Planet

Let's have a 100% pure, totally bragalicious, happy post, shall we?

First of all, the care package from George Lucas' team arrived... My goodness, what an incredible gift!!  He was so excited, he didn't quite know how to react. He thought (when he saw the return address label) that the package had come from Luke Skywalker, himself... But his eyes widened when I explained it was from George Lucas' company.

He quickly opened the package, and pulled out item, after item, after item... The hubs and I were fighting inevitable tears with each gasp Renn gave, when he'd pull out something new.

To say he was in shock, though, was not far fetched.

We would like to thank the kind people at Skywalker Properties, and their PR staff for thinking of Renn, and for making that smile stick on his face like glue... You have no idea how amazing you are for doing what you did. You have a fan for life!

Alright, well... Today, Renn started the FIRST GRADE. And let me tell you, he walked onto campus with all the confidence and excitement that you've come to expect from our incredible Jedi! He was a little bit behind the power curve because we'd missed his back to school night, last Thursday, due to his MRI and Pre-Op appointment (more on that on Wednesday!). But, he lined right up with some GREAT friends from last year- thank you, Jesus, by the way!-  and off he went!
With all that is coming up, it was difficult for the hubs and I to prepare for this day. It took us by storm, to say the least. We found ourselves sitting by his side as he laid in bed sleeping last night, holding back more emotions than we knew humans could possess. And what's funny is, though it was unspoken, I believe we both braced for impact. Monday meant first grade, but it actually meant that we were about to embark on a journey that was so brand new. So terrifying. And so... out of our control. Not only is Renn a "big kid", now, but he was a mere one week away from a situation that we cannot wait to watch him overcome. This kid faces the word "surgery" like most kids face skinning their knew. We are in awe of him, and now he's growing up too fast.
Eli is so proud of his older brother... He all but held his hand as we made our way to the blacktop. And as many four-and-a-half year olds do, he had his outbursts of anger, craziness, sadness, and silliness (just about all at once, too). I found myself being jealous that he could get away with it!

So, there you have it. Renn ended up having a GREAT first day, and he said his favorite part was eating in the cafeteria. We can't wait to watch him grow and conquer the world...

... because first grade is just the beginning.


  1. YAY RENN!!! I'll support you conquering the world! Great job! (Ms. Telles, I can't watch the video. It says that it's private. Just thought you'd like to know) :D

    1. Video FIXED!! Thanks for letting me know! :)

  2. Lovely to see and hear such happiness even though the little Jedi is facing surgery soon. Such optimistic in this lovely family. I too can't see the video. Happy first day back at school little Jedi!
