
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Grid Placement: Day 7

Hi there... I am going to be honest and say that I am just too tired to write a full-blown (with beautiful pictures) blog post, tonight. Usually I write them directly after Renn falls asleep, but even after the near 2hr nap I got this afternoon (God bless that amazing man I married), my body is starting to shut down.

Quick highlights:

- Renn was happy and fun to be around, today! We had an incredible nurse the night before, and a super fabulous one today... Boy, it sure makes SUCH a difference.

- Cousins came back, brought games and books, and made the day so much more delightful. Renn even got emotional when it was time for them to leave.

- Our precious Jedi began to cry, and apologized that he hasn't had any seizures. It. Killed. Me.

- Found out that he will be getting physical therapy for his neck, starting tomorrow... The weight from all the leads, wires, and giant "boom box" that holds everything together, is causing a real strain on his sweet, tiny neck. Super.

- After he had been asleep for about an hour, he had a HUGE seizure in his sleep!! I am praying that this one is good enough. It was far more "typical", although he wasn't awake. But it was full of right arm movement, spasm-type movements, lip smacking, and the whole shebang. He was actually completely unresponsive to me,  (no, I am NOT okay about that). So here's to them saying "We have enough!", and us progressing to the next step.

Thank you for the constant messages, texts, and prayers! The hubs said that the Ronald McDonald house is a true blessing, and both he and E are incredibly happy to be staying there.

Come on, week two!

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds..."
James 1:2
I wrote this post at approximately 10:00pm. As I was getting ready to hit the "publish" button, Renn called out to me in a state of panic. As it turns out, that seizure that I initially saw may have lasted a whole lot longer than I had thought. As in, maybe closer to ten or even fifteen minutes. It caused him to do some involuntary things (which has NEVER happened before), which made him so broken and upset, he began begging to go home. Please pray that this was enough. Our brave Jedi shouldn't have to deal with this any longer. Pray for his heart to stay strong, and that he truly doesn't remember these moments as he looks back on this.
My sweet boy... I am just so, so sorry.  


  1. Prayers continue from Ohio for your precious son, and family.

  2. Yes, more prayers from Ohio. I hope they got that data they needed so he can go home.

  3. Praying in Fresno, too. Strength, peace, sleep and seizures.

  4. Praying and praying!! Hang in there Renn and family!

  5. Still prayer for you from Madera. Stay strong.

  6. The Karlson's are praying! Our hearts break for your sweet boy... Praying you are wrapped in God's peace as you and your family stay strong.

  7. Praying in New York, too, sending you all strength to get through this.
