
Thursday, November 14, 2013

One Week Later

It's been one week and one day since our Jedi had his surgery. The feelings we are experiencing hold no definition. Since his surgery, he has had no (typical) seizures! (We don't count that "sort-of" seizure he had two days post-op because it was simply his brain reacting to the surgery) Can you believe it? We both can and can't. But we are grateful.

On our way home, last Saturday, the hubs caught me staring off in the distance. It was a strange feeling for me to not be in the hospital; to be out in the open, breathing real air, feeling the warmth of the sun. He asked me what I was thinking. I couldn't give him an answer. We concluded that as we drove further and further from our cave at UCSF, into the fields of Gilroy, and over the Pacheco pass, that we felt like Frodo Baggins at the end of The Return of the King.

This speech ran through our minds (feel free to end it at the 1:00 mark)-

How do we go on?  It's hard adjusting to 'normal' life when you've spent the last twenty months being overwhelmed and stressed to a point where you weren't sure there were any tunnels left... let alone light at the end of just one of them. Now that the moment you were so severely overwhelmed and stressed about has passed, you're really not sure what to do.

We are so thankful that God allowed us to continue being Renn's parents. Want the hard truth? Neither one of us were 100% certain that we'd be driving home with Renn sitting in his car seat. I realize how morbid that sounds. It was a thought, nonetheless. We never once told each other that we felt that way. But we both did... Especially on our drive to San Francisco.

Today, Renn is nothing more than "normal". He's bored. He's desperately wanting to leave this house. He's completely over this whole surgery thing. As his parents, we wish we could pack up and take our family on a glorious adventure. We recognize the gift that God has given all of us, and we want to shout it from the rooftops- WE ARE STILL TOGETHER!! ALL OF US!!!!

Our Jedi has changed in other ways. And this is something for all my Epilepsy family followers to have a hope in their hearts for... You see, Epilepsy gave Renn an almost severe ADHD affect (like it does countless others). He couldn't concentrate. He could barely do one task at a time, and could NEVER do a two-step task. During his neuropsychological exam, it was determined that Epilepsy affected his every day thought process. That broke our hearts. Over all, he is a smart kiddo. Epilepsy just made it difficult to recognize.

All that being said, Renn's concentration is starting to change for the better. The other day, I asked him to put his shoes in the laundry room, THEN make his bed. When he came back two minutes later, I recited my typical, "Rennnnnn? Did you do as I asked?" schpeel, and without question he answered, "Yep!". Sure enough, he HAD! I was blown away...

Another change is that he is QUITE emotional. I'm talking, the things that normally would make a toddler bawl? Those are the things that make Renn bawl. So that's an interesting adjustment, but I have a feeling it's temporary.

Last night Renn pulled out one of his (four) loose teeth... He said, "It won't hurt. I just had brain surgery... Nothing can hurt me."

Yes, I was crying. And, yes, he inspires me every moment of everyday.

We are thankful. We are still getting cards and boxes of goodies in the mail. It's so humbling. We can't wait to give back. And yes, folks... The Telles family will be giving back. There's no way a family can receive this much love, support, and encouragement without realizing how much they themselves need to give in return.

But just exactly how we will be doing that is still in the planning stages. As soon as we have it figured out, we will have a HUGE reveal... We can't wait.

As I wrap things up tonight, I have a few Epilepsy families that could use some prayer, tonight. Some have kiddos in the hospital and are facing the most God-awful decisions that could ultimately lead to losing their sweet angels, and some are trying to figure out what they can do to prevent their babies from spending Christmas in the ICU. We recognize that while what we faced was painful, scary, and heartbreaking, there are so many families who are contemplating their choices, tonight. And their choices are ones that you cannot fathom. So, as hard as you've prayed for our family, please take a moment and pray for these other families. Their stories are so familiar, and yet, not... I hurt for them. And we long to be near them to help them through.

Now, here's to another seizure FREE week!
Love to all of you...
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100: 4-5


  1. Ahh Bethany! You melt me with every word. I'm so happy for your family, for Renn & yet so sad that there are so many out there struggling with such difficult decisions regarding their babies. I pray that each of them find the answers they're looking for ans that Renn continues on his remarkable recovery xoxo

  2. Ahh Bethany! You melt me with every word. I'm so happy for your family, for Renn & yet so sad that there are so many out there struggling with such difficult decisions regarding their babies. I pray that each of them find the answers they're looking for ans that Renn continues on his remarkable recovery xoxo

  3. Such happy news. Renn is indestructible. Loose tooth.... HA!

  4. Yea, Renn! God is good. So glad to hear great news!

  5. I don't know you except for PiBoIdMo yet my heart goes out to your family seeing as though we are a family of six. God Bless. And, thanks for your praise to the Almighty who cares for all.
    I'm glad to hear your good news.

  6. Fantastic. Wonderful. There aren't enough words to express it.
    And to know there were medical professionals and technologies to make all this work. It's beyond awesome.

  7. You guys are amazing! So happy for your family.

  8. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Will be mailing out my package on Monday! *Raises glass of apple cider* To Renn! *guzzles drink down :) *
