
Tuesday, June 24, 2014


This morning I woke up, and took a deeeeeep breath. Knowing full-well what today is, or could be, left me feeling both bewildered and thrilled. Believe me, that's an odd mix of emotions.

You see, when one has Epilepsy, each day without a seizure is a great day. But, no one likes to talk about how long it's been due to the immense fear that the moment you talk about it out loud, that will be the moment another seizure will strike.

Today a dear friend asked me, "When was the last time Renn had a seizure?" I gulped. I knew the answer, but all I kept thinking was, do I dare tell her?? It will happen if I do!

But it hit me... Not only CAN I tell her, I SHOULD tell her. This woman prayed and prayed for us, after all. Why shouldn't I share what God has done in Renn's life?

Quietly, meekly, I muttered the answer. And then I shared with her my struggle with my superstition. As I spoke, I heard myself say something so dumb. My sweet friend called me on it. She said, "You know, thinking that [you telling the number of days it's been will jinx it] means you think your words have all the power. And Bethany, they don't. God does."

She's absolutely right. We have been praying and praying, and there's no reason to sit on this secret! GOD has helped Renn this far. He deserves the praise... It's all Him.

So, with that, our precious Jedi has something he'd like to share with you...

Praise the Lord!
Praise, O servants of the Lord,
praise the name of the Lord!
Blessed be the name of the Lord
from this time forth and forevermore!
From the rising of the sun to its setting,
the name of the Lord is to be praised!
Psalm 113: 1-3


  1. God is great! I have superstitions like that too. Your sweet friend is a wise friend. That is a great message for all of us. Praying for 100 more days and MORE! Bethany and Renn you are both inspirational.

  2. Bethany, I had to hop over from our special group. WOOHOOOOO!!!!!! Praying that he stays seizure free. I know that feeling well. Been there. I too was afraid to tell it from the mountain. Sometimes that old superstition creeps back into my day and I have to bop it in the head. So thankful you bopped yours. Will NOT stop praying.

  3. Hallelujah ! Thank you God for all your goodness to this special family! We praise you and sing ,"Glory to God in the highest!"

  4. Such wonderful news! Our prayers will continue!

  5. Oh how wonderful! Here's to 100 times 100 times 100 times 100 times 100 more! You and Renn are in my thoughts and prayers :)

  6. Yay Renn! So glad to hear it! Praying that the streak continues!!

  7. Your friend was right. The words have no power at all - except the power to make us all feel really good and positive and happy. Your strength makes us all feel stronger! Yay, Renn!

  8. AWESOME!!!!!!!! GO RENN!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

  9. Absolutely fantastic! And praises to the wonderful docs and nurses, surgeons and diagnosticians that God put in your path, too! I am SO happy for you ALL!

  10. Great news! Thanks for sharing it with us, Bethany :-)

  11. My daughter is 5 years old and has been healthy, and has been developing at a normal rate. I heard a loud thud. I found my daughter on the floor. There was vomit on the bed and my daughter was on the floor. It lasted 15 minutes. It was so scary. she was jerking very violently, and his eyes were rolling in the back of his head. It was horrible. No one should have to see their child like that, my doctor is saying she's had seizures. she had an mri ,an EEG,they did a spinal tap. After returning from the hospital, my daughter experienced vomiting, I could not bear to see my daughter going through this problem at the early age of her life. I read a lot of fake testimonies at blogs, Facebook and website of people that was cured from seizure with the help of a herbal doctor I have even been scammed severally, I explain to my friend about my daughter symptom and she told me that i shouldn't worry, she gave me a contact of a doctor. I met Lawson Bryan in Chicago and i contact him. I Explain about my daughter symptom, I made an order of his medicine.. I followed his instruction, His medicine has change my daughter health in less than 3 month she is totally free from seizures and vomiting, my daughter is cured from seizure. you can contact him +1 (979) 475-5130 or e-mail: thank you.
