I'm writing to you because you won't answer or return my calls, and you clearly won't open the door when I pound on it at 2am. I think you know why I'm trying to get a hold of you, and I think you're ignoring me on purpose.
Listen, Epilepsy...things have to change. You have this knack for causing too much pain, fear, and anguish. There are too many men, women, and children all around this planet who deal with your garbage every single day, so it has to stop. Aren't you tired of people fighting you? Doesn't it irk you to know how many thousands of people HATE you? Maybe you enjoy the power you feel you hold over all of us, but I can promise you that reign of power is coming to an end.
For me, personally, I stayed awake all night last night, staring at the ceiling, coming up with new ways on how to defeat you. The grip you had around my son took a heavy blow, nearly 20 months ago. We were never quick to call his sudden success a full-blown victory (we're optimists, not idiots). We've always kept our eye on you. But last night, you decided to cause panic in my son. He did something he's never been able to do, though: he knew you were coming. Normally, I'd say that's a huge win over your devious ways. But, you see, you also caused him to fear... for his mother's sake.
"Renn, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Mom." he said, looking in the complete opposite direction.
"No, really, what's going on? Why are you hiding from me?"
"Because I don't want you to be sad. And I don't want to go back to the hospital..."
You caused his seizures to officially return, Epilepsy. But what's worse? You caused him to carry the burden of worrying about how I would react. How DARE you.
I think you are deplorable. I think you are evil, you are unfair, you are nothing but the filth that clouds my faith in the darkest of times. My God is bigger than you. And after I'm done with this letter, I will remember that again.

We fight for them. We fight for all of them.
So, Epilepsy, I can say with utmost certainty that it's time we all break up with you. And believe me, it's not us, it's you. No, there's no cure against you...yet. Yes, there are thousands of people all over the place who believe the rumors about how surgeries are the total answer to the end of you and what you do, or that CBD oil is a one-size-fits-all solution. But, for every 1 in 26 who battles you every day? They know your game. And it's over.
Leave my son in peace. He's been through enough already. The seizure last night and the one this morning will not deter us from celebrating the days he doesn't have one. You may be trying to trick us by making them look different. We see your evilness attempting to break his beautiful spirit. But I assure you, your attempts will be made in vain. He is a Jedi... and he will not allow you to defeat him.
Leave our children, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, neighbors, teachers, soldiers, EVERYONE alone.
This is it, Epilepsy. We're done. We're ALL done. Go back to wherever it was you came from and live a sad and completely lonely life.
Jedi Renn's mom, father, and brother
And the Mothers of Natalie, Melanie, Kirsten, Aja, Kate, Collin, Eli, Noah, Kayla, Claire, Brian, Christopher, Amelia, Matt, Aiden, Skylar, and Alexis
***************** UPDATE ***********************
It turns out, that Renn was experiencing extreme dehydration, and did NOT actually have two seizures. It is well known that dehydration can be a big trigger for those who have Epilepsy, but it can also cause those WITHOUT Epilepsy to have a seizure. So, we are grateful, though on high alert, always. Thank you for your loving prayers!