
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Support... Not an Easy Thing to Ask for

Renn has adjusted back to school with pure Jedi perfection. We've been amazed at how quickly his hair has grown back, and how well his scars are healing.

That being said, we got the call today.

Yeah. THE call.

Renn's next (and prayerfully LAST) step will take place on October 28th. We will be going in, placing a grid on the right side of his brain, and then wait for about a week for seizure activity. After we get what we need, he'll have one more surgery.

And that's the one that has us depending fully on God. The kind of trust that you go into 100% blind. The kind that you pray and pray that it's Him directing you, and not some whim.

We are a bit unnerved, tonight, but we are at peace. We've been praying for peace this whole time... We really do have it.

The hubs and I are at a crossroads now, though. We live so far from UCSF, and our deepest desire is to have all four of us be together during this ordeal. But it's looking like the Ronald McDonald house is not going to be a possibility. We can't afford to pay the medical bills that lay before us AND have the hubs and Eli come stay in San Francisco with us. So, we have set up a page on, and are asking that you spread the word.

We hate from the bottom of our souls to even ask. The hubs and I are both avid believers in working hard and earning every dime. But we can see how out of control this is for us. So if you could, please share the link at the bottom of this page! Let everyone know that Renn needs his daddy and his brother by his side. It means SO much to us.

Thank you for your love and support. Even if it's through prayer, that is by far more important than any dollar amount.

We will keep you updated. There's more to come as the hubs gets ready to donate blood to Renn for the blood transfusion(s) he will need, as well as some surprises for our sweet Jedi.

God bless you ALL.

Press HERE


  1. I will spread the word. Good luck reaching your goal.

  2. I dont think this is a sympathy card you Ste trying to use. Its called humanity coming together to help another family out that needs other peoples help. Praying for you..

  3. Spreading the word and believing for good things for Renn and you all.

  4. OMG, absolutely! We are all looking for ways to help! Makes us feel so much better to feel like we are DOING something, more than just offering consoling words.

  5. Bethany, could you send me your email addy so I can donate using PayPal?

  6. :( I will help every way I can! I am praying for your family!

  7. Happy to help in whatever small ways I can, and sending you love and prayers and all good thoughts!

  8. I'll share this Bethany! Praying too!!!
