
Thursday, October 3, 2013


Shock, indeed. We are baffled, humbled, and yet feel so undeserving. We asked for a little help in raising some money to help with lodging costs for the hubs and Eli to stay nearby while Renn is in the hospital, as well as for past and future medical bills. We felt sick to our stomachs for asking. We felt so guilty for admitting that we needed help... $3,100 worth, to be exact. We thought that even if we got 1/4 of that, that it would be a blessing. But, within less than 48hrs...

It was honestly the best birthday present this momma could have hoped for. We don't know how on earth we can thank all of our friends, the family members, and the many strangers who showed love and support for our family.

When we broke the news to Renn that Daddy and Eli were going to be able to stay close to the hospital and not have to go home, his eyes said it all. They welled up with tears as he said, "But, how?!" God bless each and every one of you. Seriously... We can't thank you enough.

I'd also like to take this time to give a special thank you to a very sweet, generous person. Her name is Janelle Dill. She, too, has Epilepsy and has been the most selfless supporter of Renn's, from the very beginning. We have never met in person, but she has hand-crafted some incredible Star Wars themed stuff all for Renn to enjoy. She made him a calendar, and most recently sent him a lightsaber, along with some glow sticks, fun markers, and the COOLEST scroll that officially promoted our Jedi from Padawan to Master. Somehow, she even managed to have Master Yoda and Master Kenobi sign the certificate, themselves! ;) And then, she did something that touched me even more... She made me a beautiful flower pin, and gave me a small bottle of Frankincense and Myrrh scented bath crystals. What a darling she is. She has also put Renn on a prayer list at her church, and some time ago, they sent Renn a box of Sunshine. They gave him crayons, TONS of goodies, coloring books... the list goes on! And they sent him cards and cards and cards. My goodness... Let me say, she has made our family smile SO much!!

Janelle has a documentary on YouTube, and I would like to share Part 1. Yes, it is a bit long, BUT she gives great insight to what Epilepsy means and how it affects each person it touches. She even goes into the history of where the word Epilepsy came from, and when it was discovered. Genius! Janelle can't have certain foods or be around flashing lights, where as Renn has zero triggers. Epilepsy is very different for everyone.

 Janelle, you are SUCH a sweetheart! (We even have the same necklace!) Thank you for your love, kindness, and support. You truly brighten our day. Your song choice by one of my most favorite groups, Plumb, spoke to me so strongly. Thank you for being a great advocate, for teaching others, and for inspiring so many who are struggling with Epilepsy.

So... Shock. We are still in it. But we are also feeling the love. So, so much love. Thank you all for your donations, for your cards, for your calls and messages. The countdown is definitely on. As we prepare, please know how much we feel your love and how thankful we are for it.

God bless!

May the LORD now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I too will show you the same favor because you have done this.
2 Samuel 2:6


  1. Bethany you are very deserving. I'm glad your need was met. And we continue to pray for you all as you prepare for this next step.

  2. I don't think I have ever made it through your blog without having to read through tears. You are SO strong! You ARE deserving and Renn has such strong supporters because his Mommy shares her heart when she tells his story and we can't help but fall in love with your family! We are all the blessed ones to know you ;)

  3. So glad you reached your goal, Bethany, and that your family will all be able to be together for Renn! No one deserves it more! We will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

  4. YAY! The video is great (I love the "This is what I HAVE, not what I am")! Ms. Dill is very smart! I would watch the whole video, but I don't have much time... GO RENN!!!
